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Can Porcelain Veneers Straighten My Smile?

September 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drplaisance @ 9:40 pm
Lady shows off pretty smile

Porcelain veneers are an incredibly popular way to address a variety of cosmetic dental flaws such as chips, gaps, stains, and cracks, and they are so incredibly lifelike that you have undoubtedly seen many people wearing them without even realizing it. While you may be aware of how this treatment has given millions of people stunning new smiles, did you know that it can be used to correct minor dental misalignments in some cases? Here’s a brief guide to how porcelain veneers work and how they can straighten out teeth.


Why You Shouldn’t Lie to Your Dentist

July 18, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drplaisance @ 4:29 pm
A young man in a dental chair

You’ve probably told a little white lie at least once in your life. Maybe you told your parents it wasn’t you who stuck their finger in the icing, or that you swear you have no idea how that window broke. But sometimes little white lies can become much bigger than you intend. Take for example the lies you tell your dentist. While you think you might not be harming anyone by saying that yes, you definitely floss at least once a day, these fibs can catch up to you and cause a lot of damage. Here are a few lies you could be telling your dentist, and why when it comes to your oral health, honesty is the best policy.


Why You Should Visit Your Dentist Before Hitting the Beach

May 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drplaisance @ 3:14 pm
Beach-ready couple sitting on couch, using suitcases as footrests

If your summer vacation is in sight, you probably don’t want to think about doing anything else until you return. You’re ready to relax! Trying to squeeze in a dental visit before breaking out the Hawaiian shirts and sandals might not sound calming to you.

We feel you, but here’s the thing: if you don’t do it, there’s a chance your vacation might not be so breezy. Keep reading to learn how a quick dental checkup can give you have peace of mind during your summer fun.


Dental Implant Inquiry: What Happens at My Consultation?

February 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drplaisance @ 8:26 pm
Hands in white gloves holding model dental implant

If you’re looking to replace a missing tooth, you may be considering dental implants. Many experts consider this type of restoration to be the most effective because it offers unique advantages that the alternatives don’t. It’s the only method that includes a support rod that’s inserted directly into your jaw to function like the root. As a result, it’s a sturdy standalone structure that helps maintain your oral health.

Before you can get dental implants, however, you must first have a consultation with your dentist to ensure you’re a good candidate. If you’re worried about what’s involved in this appointment, read on to learn about 3 things you can expect!


What Foods Should I Watch Out for After Teeth Whitening?

December 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drplaisance @ 12:13 am
Flashy smile

Teeth go through a lot over decades of use. Years of chewing and exposure can take their toll on your enamel, and your smile can acquire stains due to frequent consumption of many common foods and beverages. Thankfully, teeth whitening treatments can help many patients achieve a whiter, flashier smile that they can be proud of. While these treatments will not damage your enamel if administered by a dental professional, they will make your teeth more susceptible to staining for a few days afterward. Here are a few foods to avoid to keep your smile bright after teeth whitening.


When Festive Foods Bite Back: Don’t Let These Holiday Favorites Hurt Your Teeth

October 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drplaisance @ 12:17 am
Gingerbread man

Sadly, the bacteria that cause tooth decay and gum disease do not go on vacation during the holidays. While the season is renowned for sweet confections and savory feasts, indulging too much in these items may cause more harm to your oral health than you realize. Here are a few traditional holiday foods that you should take care to enjoy in moderation when celebrating this season.


Dentures Aren’t Just for Seniors; Here’s Why

August 21, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drplaisance @ 2:30 am

Female hands holding a set of denturesThe American College of Prosthodontists reports that 23 million Americans don’t have any teeth left. Although teeth are supposed to last for a lifetime, that doesn’t happen for many people. Tooth loss is often associated with the elderly, but it can occur at any age. Whether you’re in your 20s, 30s, or 40s, you don’t have to wait until you retire to replace your missing teeth. Dentures aren’t just for seniors. Here’s why young adults are choosing to invest in a complete smile.


ER or Emergency Dentist for Your Troubled Smile?

June 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drplaisance @ 10:13 am
a tooth in front of a dental emergency kit

When an unexpected dental event happens, it can be very challenging to deal with. From a knocked-out tooth to a painful toothache, there are many things that can happen to your smile to throw off your day. One of the most difficult things about a dental incident is deciding what you should do next. It can be hard to decide if you should go to your emergency dentist or the ER. Read on to learn the best choice for various oral health issues.


How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Benefit Graduating Students

April 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drplaisance @ 9:11 pm
a student smiling during a graduation ceremony

Summertime is just around the corner, and if your kid’s about to graduate from high school or wrap up their college degree, you’ve probably got a lot on your mind as you try to get them ready for their grand stroll across the stage! But have you thought about taking them to see their cosmetic dentist to ensure that their pearly whites look and feel their best for their big moment? Here’s why you shouldn’t hesitate to help your future grad enhance their pearly whites, along with some possible treatment options to consider.


6 Things to Mention to Your Dentist

February 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drplaisance @ 3:25 am

Man chatting with dentistThe American Dental Association recommends a cleaning and checkup every 6 months for optimal oral health. Your dentist will check your teeth and gums to detect anything concerning; however, they will also ask about your medical history. Your oral and general health are closely connected. Your dentist can learn a lot about your oral health risks based on medical conditions, medications, and certain symptoms. Here are 6 things you should never forget to mention to your dentist during a checkup. 


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